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Home For Patients Dental Blog Do Your Teeth Benefit from Daily Multivitamins?

Do Your Teeth Benefit from Daily Multivitamins?

Posted on 5/23/2018 by Dr. Brandon Cooley
Multivitamins Cooley Smiles WA 98208-5147Many people believe that a daily multivitamin is essential for good health. The nutrients contained within it can be obtained from a healthy diet, but if you have a hard time making good food decisions or eating enough, a daily multivitamin is an adequate substitute. Some of the essential vitamins and minerals will also benefit your teeth.


Calcium is one of the most important minerals for your teeth. Calcium is needed to both form the teeth and maintain them. Additionally, a lack of calcium in the diet could lead to osteoporosis, which has many consequences for your mouth. Osteoporosis can lead to weakening of the jaw bone, which anchors the teeth into place. Should the jawbone become damaged, your teeth may loosen and even fall out.

Vitamin D

If you are going to take a multivitamin or calcium tablet, it is important that you also take vitamin D. This vitamin helps calcium to absorb into the blood stream, and without it, calcium would be leached out of the bones and teeth. Vitamin D deficiency has also been connected to gum disease and tooth decay in the mouth.

Vitamin C

While vitamin D and calcium might be especially beneficial for your teeth, there are other nutrients needed for a healthy mouth. Specifically, vitamin C is good for the gums, and healthy gum tissue is needed to support healthy teeth. This nutrient is essential for healing, and many people who have deficiencies experience chronic bleeding of the gums. If you are one of them, a multivitamin that contains vitamin C may help to keep your mouth healthy.

If you are concerned that your teeth aren't getting the nutrients that they need, please make an appointment with our office. We can evaluate your mouth and make recommendations for how to improve your oral health.

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(425) 249-3509


10627 19th Ave SE, Suite B
Everett, WA 98208-5147

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