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Home For Patients Dental Blog How to Maintain Your Original Teeth Around a Bridge

How to Maintain Your Original Teeth Around a Bridge

Posted on 8/25/2019 by Dr. Brandon Cooley
How to Maintain Your Original Teeth Around a BridgeIf you've had a bridge put in, you now have a mix of your natural teeth and replacement ones. Many people get a bridge when they have several teeth that need to be extracted, but don't need a full set of dentures yet.

Once you get a bridge, you'll want to make certain that you take good care of it and of the rest of your natural teeth. Otherwise, you may find yourself needing dentures later on. Here are a few tips for taking care of the teeth around a bridge.

Make Sure the Bridge Fits Well

When we fit you for the bridge, we'll want you to make certain that it fits right and is comfortable. While we do want to make certain you can use your bridge without any pain, there's a second reason why it needs to fit perfectly. If the bridge doesn't fit right, it can collect bacteria and plaque under it. This can spread to the teeth on either side of the bridge, causing them to get cavities. These teeth may also start to move out of position if the bridge isn't sitting correctly.

Continue to Brush and Floss

Just because you have some fake teeth doesn't mean you can ignore your natural ones. Make certain you brush twice a day (including brushing your bridge!) and floss between all of your teeth at least once a day.

Wear Your Bridge Daily

There's no real reason not to wear your bridge as directed, but just in case you do start leaving it out at times, realize that this can harm your teeth. The natural teeth on either side of the bridge are used to having the bridge there. Without it, they could start to slide sideways, making it more difficult to put the bridge in.

These are just a few of the ways you can keep your original teeth healthy while wearing a bridge. If you'd like to discuss the benefits of a bridge or if it's the right dental solution for you, contact us today.

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Everett, WA 98208-5147

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